

提供两个PIPs定量检测方案,一项是基于离子色谱分离技术,能够精确测定PIP、PIP2和PIP3总量(Kanehara K@et al., 2015);第二项是基于LC/MS技术,能够依据脂酰链的结构定量检测PIP,PIP2和PIP3

     磷酸肌醇(Phosphoinositides, PIPs)是磷脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositols, PI)的磷酸化衍生物,是细胞生长、增殖和运动等基本生理过程的关键调控因子(Cai T et al., 2015)。PIPs是膜结合脂质,其在肌醇环上的不同位置进行动态磷酸化和脱磷酸化,以产生磷酸基团位置不同的多种磷酸化衍生物(如PIP、PIP2和PIP3)。此外,单个的PIPs可以包含不同的脂肪酸链,这也导致了它们结构的复杂性。在中科脂典,我们为您提供两种定量检测PIPs的方案,第一种是基于离子色谱分离技术,能够精确测定PIP、PIP2和PIP3总量(Kanehara K et al., 2015);第二种是基于LC/MS技术,适用于包含有具体脂肪酸链结构细节的PIP,PIP2和PIP3定量(Clark J et al., 2011)。





Cai T, Shu Q, Hou J, Liu P, Niu L, Guo X, et al. Profiling and relative quantitation of phosphoinositides by multiple precursor ion scanning based on phosphate methylation and isotopic labeling. Anal Chem. 2015; 87(1): 513-21.

Kanehara K, Yu CY, Cho Y, Cheong WF, Torta F, Shui G, et al. Arabidopsis AtPLC2 Is a Primary Phosphoinositide-Specific Phospholipase C in Phosphoinositide Metabolism and the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response. PLoS Genet. 2015; 11(9):e1005511.

Clark J, Anderson KE, Juvin V, Smith TS, Karpe F, Wakelam MJ, et al. Quantification of PtdInsP3 molecular species in cells and tissues by mass spectrometry. Nature methods. 2011; 8(3): 267-72.